Saturday, August 25, 2012

Agricultural Crop Insurance: How to minimize risks?

In theory, insurance is an efficient risk sharing mechanism,but the same is not always true in case of agriculture crop insurance, because of a costly risk shifting  mechanism . 

 A major role played by insurance programs is the indemnification of            risk-averse individuals who might be adversely affected by natural probabilistic phenomena. By pooling individual risks, insurance leads to Pareto-preferred states. Insurance, by offering the possibility of shifting risks enables individuals to undertake activities  which they would not otherwise undertake.

Agricultural crop insurance market may or  may not lead to Pareto preferred states. Let us first consider the case of identical farmers with perfect information.

 The case of identical farmers exposed to similar types of cases  is  a special case which leads to a risk shifting role of competitive crop insurance markets. In this case a completive equilibrium is established such that the utility of the farmer is maximized subject to the profit function of the insurance companies..If the probability p is known, then, under perfect competition, customers get full insurance at actuarially fair odd so  the outcome is efficient. EF is the fair odd line. The equilibrium policy α* maximizes the farmers utility and the insurance company just breaks even. In equilibrium each farmer buys complete insurance at actuarial odds.

J. Kurian,Ali and Ahsan have asserted that in case of identical farmers, a competitive equibrium is

Agricultural insurance market does not turn out to be like the ‘commodities’ market since it is very difficult  to assess the information of the land type, weather , risk attitude

Why a competitive market does not develop?
Imperfect Information

·      Adverse Selection
This happens if the insurer cannot distinguish the inherent riskiness of different farmers. The individual farmers may have fair knowledge about their own risk position , but the insurance agencies may  not be able to distinguish among such customers. This will eventually lead to only high risk farmers buying insurance and hence the insurance companies will run into losses.

·      Moral Hazard
It is an alteration in input use which deviates from social optimality and which occurs because of incompatible incentives and asymmetric information.Moral hazard problems occur because the insured can take action which affect the probability of losses and cannot be observed by the insurer. It is because the insured choices can affect the distribution of the losses. In crop insurance individuals have no control over the state of nature , but through dependency in the contract , the individual  can affect the amount of indemnity.

Absence of adequate information and high cost of collecting generates imperfect information in agriculture. Given there are two categories of farmers that is high risk farmers with ph and low risk farmers with probability pl.   where  H> L  . Thus in the case of imperfect markets there will be either a pooling  equilibrium or a separating equibrium.The farmers knows and can ascertain his/her risk while the insurance company cannot find this out.

  There would be a  separating and pooling equlibria because of imperfect information in the market. This was given by  Micheal Rothschild & Joseph Stiligtiz

Pooling Equilibrium

A pooling equilibrium is an equilibrium in which a single insurance contract is offered to all customers. Let p’ be the average accident (loss) probability p’=λph+( 1-λ )pl   where λ is the proportion  of high risk farmers.  If α is the pooling equilibrium and consider  profit of insurance firms to be Π(p’,α). Now if  Π(p’,α)  <0   implies  firms are losing money contradicting the condition of a equilibrium, Similarly if   Π(p’,α)   >0  , means there exists a contract which would offer more in both states of nature and this not the equilibrium then. Therefore we get Π(p’,α)  = 0 and α lies on the line  EF ( slope (1-p’/p’).

Competition among insurance firms implies that any equilibrium contract must break even so any pooling equilibrium must lie on the ‘pooling line’
There is a contract  β near α such that the low risk individual prefer to α, but the high risk individuals would prefer α to  β.  Since β is near α, it makes profit when the less risky buy it. The existence of β contradicts the definition of equilibrium

 Separating Equilibrium

A separating equilibrium is the one where two separate contracts coexist. This means that the premium rate for the high risk farmers is greater than that for the low risk farmers. If the insurance companies could costlessly separate the high risk  and low risk farmers, farmers  would demand full coverage policies under the separating equlibrium.However practically insurers cannot distinguish perfectly between the risk classes. Hence there would be imperfect information in the market. Therefore the high risk farmers would realize that they can increase their utility taking the low insurance contracts. Given the opportunity to purchase the low insurance contracts they would do so.


The problem is that high-risk farmers impose an externality on low-risk people. The low-risk people should have cheap insurance, if only they could separate the two. But if an insurance company offers a contract  which perfectly insures low-risks, then the zero-profit condition of competitive equilibrium means that these contracts make no profit when losses occur with the low probability p. If such a contract exists, then all high-risk farmers would want to buy the low-risk contract. This would drive the insurance companies into losses as the high risk farmers would be buying the low premium rate insurance contracts and the insurance companies would be paying a higher benefit for the loss against a lower premium payment.

If you consider the above diagram EH denotes the high risk farmer’s contract with the slope (1-ph/ ph).Similarly EL denotes the low risk farmers  contract with a slope (1-pl/pl). The contract on EH most preferred by the high risk farmers gives complete insurance ( ). Low risk farmers would of all contracts on EL preferhigh contract β which also provides full insurance. However β offers more consumption than , and high risk farmers would prefer it to . The nature of imperfect information in that insurance companies are unable to distinguish between among the farmers. Profits will be negative ( ,β)will not be an equilibrium.
 An equilibrium contract for low risk farmers must not be more attractive to the high risk types,. This establishes that ( , ) may be an equilibrium . But consider the contract γ, if it is offered both low and high risk farmers would want to purchase it in preference to  or . If it makes profit/losses it will upset the potential equilibrium. EF and EF’line represents the market odds (average probably ) showing the composition of the market. EF’ is for few high risk farmers , in this case the contact γ will earn profits  and EF represents for sufficiently high risk farmers, in this case the contract γ will lose money.  Since ( , )  was the only possible equilibrium, therefore no completive equibriulm exists.

The above shows that absence of competitive markets can be largely explained by market failures due to imperfect information.

The following  explains the public crop insurance model which is cited by S.M Ahsan, AG Ali, Nj Kurian as an effective way of managing risks in agriculture.

Public Crop Insurance Model

According to Kurian, Ahsan and Ali  ,public subsidization is cited as an effective method to overcome the market failures associated with ‘imperfect information’.The insurance policy is such that it guarantees a minimum income M. The farmers is taxed at the rate for the income before applying for indemnity. The reason for including ‘s’ is that otherwise the premium rates would have been very high without such revenues given the value of M.  The value of M is exogenously determined.

In this approach the farmer chooses the optimal amount of the resource devoted to risky cultivation, so as to maximize his utility ,treating the insurance contract as given.The insurance company ,in turn, selects the optimal insurance contract so as to maximize social welfare. The insurance treats the factor utilization under risky farming as determined by the farmer in advance.

This model  asserts that the insurance agency chooses an optimal insurance program to maximize social welfare .Social welfare is assumed to be the total output of the farmer.

The results of this model show that the optimal level of s (tax rate) would be such that the expected marginal product of the resource equals the social value of the marginal revenue of the agency.In the long  rum the farmer receives  what he has put in the form of premium and tax rates ,but the basic purpose is that high premium rates inhibit risk taking. This shows that the farmers will not take high risks  and at the same time are  given a minimum income guarantee,.This will ensure a better farming output as the farmers can undertake ‘farming’ optimally under risky production at the same time have an income guarantee.

In a paper, Mark V Pauly argued that fears of market failure may be lessened by inducing farmers to signal their risk situations. He has suggested that the government could collect and make public the total insurance purchased by individual farmers.
Public provision generates a specific information and if this information is made available to firms, optimal market outcome can occur. Another argument that he raised was to  charge  premium  with quantity. Firms can increase the marginal rate of premium with respect to the quantity purchased by individuals. They will recognize, adjust to the increasing price and thus be inhibited to over insure to some extent.
Private insurance companies then could use this information to classify farmers. One difficulty is that unless all farmers have identical tastes, the above procedure would not yield useful information. Two individuals facing identical risk prospects may purchase different amounts of insurance if one is more risk averse than the other. This means that the definition of risk is different for different people ,therefore this solution will not always work.

Carl H Nelson and Edna T. Lehman argue that the cost of public subsidies may not justify the benefits and thus offer, ‘Other ‘Second Best Solution’. Information collection and application of contract design principles are possible ways of achieving the benefits of insurance at less cost than public subsidies.  The social returns from government expenditure on information collection to improve the structure of insurance contracts is likely to be significantly larger than the social returns from government subsidization of insurance.

The following give various  ‘second best’ solutions to the problem of agricultural crop  insurance

·      Self selection Mechanism

The mechanism offers a set of contracts which satisfy the break-even constraint and would cause farmers to voluntarily reveal their class to the insurer. The basic motive is that the high-risk farmer would voluntarily chooses the contract designed for him and the low-risk farmer would choose the other contract. To implement this concept, the insurer would need to determine the various "types" of farmers. The costs of determining types of farmers and designing contracts and premia accordingly would be lower than the costs of obtaining information and designing contracts for individual farmers. Types of farmers could be defined by the distribution , risk attitudes, and production possibilities. This solutions seems more practical but it depends on the magnitude of the costs required to find ‘classes/types’ of farmers. Thus, private market provision of agricultural insurance is not necessarily impossible. This implies that, without  increasing subsidies, it should be possible to increase participation by offering contracts that are more specialized to an individual's risk characteristics

·      Repeated contracts
The insurance contract covers a series of years under this arrangement. With repeated contracts, a time dimension is added to the insurance problem; both Pareto-optimal resource use and zero profits for the insurer will occur in the limit over time even though the insurer may have positive or negative profits during some particular time periods. The farmer is charged a premium based on initial expectations about the expected value of losses. If the farmer's losses are higher than expected, the premium is revised based on the new loss information and higher premiums are charged for the next year. Rubinstein and Yaari have proven that repeated insurance contracts converge to the Pareto-optimal full information equilibrium.

·      Principles of Contract Design
In applying the economic concepts the following principles are suggested
for the design of an agricultural insurance program or for a revision of the
Inputs and outputs, risk attitudes, and risk distribution functions. The self-selection type should be designed according to types of farmers. Information about realizations of stochastic events, observable input use and imperfect monitors, or inferences concerning un- observable inputs should be used to determine insurance payments. Premium rates should be readjusted over time according to the information obtained about a farmer's actions.The design or revision of an agricultural insurance program should be based on a systematic application of these principles in order to achieve the best possible risk sharing at the lowest cost in terms of resource misallocation and information collection.

According to Nelson and Loehman, the social returns from government expenditure on information collection to improve the structure of insurance contracts is likely to be significantly larger than the social returns from the government subsidization of insurance. However,the above statement is country specific.

The two equlbria that arise when there is a imperfect information in the market were discussed and found that it may not always exist ,therefore according to Rothschild and Stiglitz model that ‘imperfect information’ may not lead to a competitive equilibrium in case of agricultural crop insurance. The  public insurance model showed the government provided subsidies in agriculture can ensure a  better outcome.  Other solutions and  ways to combat the inefficiency of  the market to deliver agricultural crop insurance. were also discussed to combat the problem of imperfect information in agriculture market

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